Chiropractic is the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders and their effects on the general state of health of human beings and vertebrate animals. Mainly, but not only, through adjustments, chiropractic removes the primary cause of the problem and establishes its origin.
Pediatric Chiropractic
The cause of many health problems in the newborn, such as colic, regurgitation (reflux), breastfeeding problems, sleep problems, allergies and chronic infections can often be the result of neurological decompensation or irritation due to vertebral subluxations or even the skull.
Sport Chiropractic
Chiropractic, by bringing the body back to a state of harmony and balance, can help sportsmen, professionals and non-professionals, in two different areas: on the one hand it reduces the number of injuries and their consequences, on the other it contributes to improving performance.